Commit 36fd900b authored by Tobias Munk's avatar Tobias Munk


parent 06c9b3a4
Pipeline #77624 passed with stages
in 4 minutes and 59 seconds
......@@ -3,12 +3,14 @@
### to 5.10
- Twig Debug mode (tbd)
- adjust Makefile
- set `PHP_CS_FIXER_IGNORE_ENV=1` in testing container
- adjust `Makefile`
- add config `.php-cs-fixer.php`
- liniting without path option in command
- adjust Codeception config
- rename log to output
- rename class_name to actor
- move bootstrap to root section
- rename `log` to `output`
- rename `class_name` to `actor`
- move `bootstrap.php` to root section
### 5.4/5.5 to 5.6
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