Commit fb106320 authored by Tobias Munk's avatar Tobias Munk

📝 testing, qa; cleanup

parent dbdac074
Run the following commands from a by starting the test-stack and running a `bash` in the tester container
make TEST up setup
make TEST bash
make lint
$ linkchecker http://WEB -r 3
$ linkchecker http://web -r 3
$ linkchecker http://WEB --threads 2 --file-output sitemap -o none
$ linkchecker http://web --threads 2 --file-output sitemap -o none
"Warm caches"
......@@ -34,20 +30,18 @@ HTML-Validator
image: magnetikonline/html5validator
entrypoint: ["java", "-jar", "/root/build/"]
- nginx:WEB
Index page
docker-compose run validator http://WEB/en
docker-compose run validator http://web/en
Login page
docker-compose run validator http://WEB/en
docker-compose run validator http://web/en
From bash in validator
docker-compose exec validator bash
$ java -jar
......@@ -56,9 +50,9 @@ Lint
docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD/$(DOCKERFILE)":/Dockerfile:ro redcoolbeans/dockerlint
docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD/Dockerfile":/Dockerfile:ro redcoolbeans/dockerlint
docker run -it --rm --privileged -v `pwd`:/root/ projectatomic/dockerfile-lint dockerfile_lint -f $(DOCKERFILE)
docker run -it --rm --privileged -v $PWD:/root/ projectatomic/dockerfile-lint dockerfile_lint -f Dockerfile
## TL;dr
cd tests
make all
make run-tests
## About
*phd* uses a separate stack for running tests, since testing an application requires some changes in the stack setup and should be run isolated from your development or production stack.
For acceptance or end-to-end tests for example you might want to use a "real" Selenium browser.
### Running in isolated Docker stacks
Creating and running a test environment can be a cumbersome task, like executing your tests in an isolated database.
Therefore the phd 4 Docker images contain pre-installed Codeception binaries for running Yii 2.0 Framework unit-, functional- and acceptance-test-suites.
Therefore the phd 4 Docker images contain pre-installed Codeception binaries for running Yii 2.0 Framework unit-, functional- and acceptance-test-suites.
### Configuration
### With `make`
- codeception.yml
- docker-compose.test.yml (Test-Stack)
- .env (Test-Stack ENV variables)
- Data-migrations for tests should be placed into `tests/codection/_migrations`.
### Switching to the test environment
Or one-by-one via `Makefile` targets, make sure to build your images first, if you have made changes to `src`.
make build
cd tests
make -C .. build
> :information_source: It is possible to use host-volumes during local testing/debugging, but running containers without host-volumes is usually much closer to the final production setup.
Next step is to get a clean stack selected and configured by using `TEST` target.
make TEST clean
make clean
Before the test-suites can be run, we need to setup the application, like during development setup, but in the test-stack.
make TEST setup up
make up setup
Enter the `tester` container
make TEST bash
make run-tests
Run codeception directly *(container bash)*
$ codecept run acceptance allow_fail
make bash
$ codecept run
### Advanced usage
Running test suites from a different location
If you add a new module to a suite or after Codeception updates, you may need to re-build tester classes
make TEST run-tests OPTS='-c src/extensions/hrzg/resque-tests'
$ codecept build
With additional migrations
make TEST setup APP_MIGRATION_LOOKUP='@ext/onebase/core/migrations/data'
Running test suites from a different location
To run specific tests you can use the `OPTS` environment variable
$ codecept run -c path/to/tests
make TEST run-tests OPTS='acceptance dev/MyCept --steps'
To run specific tests
$ codecept run acceptance extensions --steps
> TODO: - VNC settings (Test-Selenium)
Watch acceptance tests via VNC viewer
make open-vnc
### Functional vs. acceptance tests
Due to limitations functional-testing should only be used for basic tests, see
For Login, JavaScript, Cookies, Session, ... use acceptance tests. See commands `wait(1)`, `waitForElement(1)`.
### Codeception development and update commands
### Code-coverage
If you add a new module to a suite or after Codeception updates, you may need to update your Codeception classes
$ docker-php-ext-enable xdebug
$ codecept run unit --coverage --coverage-html
$ codecept run functional --coverage --coverage-html
make TEST bash
Re-build in container
$ codecept build
Run tests from a custom location *(container-bash)*
### FAQ
$ codecept run -c src/extensions/<MODULE_ID>
#### Functional vs. acceptance tests
Due to limitations functional-testing should only be used for basic tests, see
For Login, JavaScript, Cookies, Session, ... use acceptance tests. See commands `wait(1)`, `waitForElement(1)`.
#### Grouping tests
### Grouping tests
As a basic convention we use two test groups `mandatory` and `optional`. While the former have to pass in the CI the latter ones are allowed to fail.
......@@ -85,64 +107,16 @@ Features or tests currently in development
// @group optional
# Testing
## TL;dr
cd tests
make all
## About
*phd* uses a separate stack for running tests, since testing an application requires some changes in the stack setup and should be run isolated from your development or production stack.
For acceptance or end-to-end tests for example you might want to use a "real" Selenium browser.
## Setup
#### Detecting application type
Console vs. Web config
## Structure
### Configuration
- codeception.yml
- docker-compose.test.yml (Test-Stack)
- .env (Test-Stack ENV variables)
### Data
Data-migration for running test should be placed into `tests/codection/_migrations`.
### Tests
As a basic convention we use two test groups `mandatory` and `optional`. While the former have to pass in the CI the latter ones are allowed to fail.
Re-run failed tests
#### Re-run failed tests
codecept run -g failed
#### Unit
#### CLI
#### Functional
#### E2E (acceptance)
#### e2e (acceptance)
> Note: In Codeception acceptance tests checks are performed *as seen* in the browser, for example you have to check for `MYLINK` if there's a `text-transform: uppercase` or a link `mylink`.
### Code-coverage
$ docker-php-ext-enable xdebug
$ codecept run unit --coverage --coverage-html
$ codecept run functional --coverage --coverage-html
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
### Docker images
- Yii 2.0 extensions from dmstr✓&query=yii2-
## Build
# Upgrading instructions
### 0.5.0-beta3 to 0.5.0
UPDATE `app_twig`
SET `value` = REPLACE(`value`, 'widget_container_widget', 'cell_widget')
WHERE `value` LIKE '%widget_container_widget%'
UPDATE `app_twig`
SET `key` = REPLACE(`key`, '/prototype/render/twig/', '/pages/default/page/')
UPDATE `dmstr_page`
SET `route` = "/pages/default/page",
`view` = "@vendor/dmstr/yii2-prototype-module/src/views/render/twig.php"
WHERE `route` = "/prototype/render/twig"
## Docker image
### phundament/php-one 4.5 :arrow_right: 4.6
#### Upgrade Codeception tester classes
Locate your **generated** tester classes in `/tests/codeception/...` and remove them.
Create an application bash
make bash
Rebuild tester classes. (YII_ENV must be set to 'test')
$ codecept build
Test the testers
make build
make TEST up setup bash
$ codecept run
Commit your changes...
A **phd** PHP version can be updated by changing its Docker `FROM` image.
Running `composer update` updates the application packages.
Adjust `migrationPaths` if needed.
Run `yii migrate`.
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