Commit 308cd412 authored by Tobias Munk's avatar Tobias Munk

fixed require APP_CONFIG_FILE

parent 3583dd1d
Pipeline #10056 passed with stages
......@@ -26,5 +26,5 @@ return \yii\helpers\ArrayHelper::merge(
(file_exists("{$configDir}/common-{$env}.php")) ? require("{$configDir}/common-{$env}.php") : [],
(file_exists("{$configDir}/{$applicationType}-{$env}.php")) ? require("{$configDir}/{$applicationType}-{$env}.php") : [],
(file_exists(getenv('APP_CONFIG_FILE'))) ? getenv('APP_CONFIG_FILE') : []
(file_exists(getenv('APP_CONFIG_FILE'))) ? require(getenv('APP_CONFIG_FILE')) : []
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