Commit 3e032602 authored by Tobias Munk's avatar Tobias Munk

clear composer cache in build

parent ab27b58b
Pipeline #24067 failed with stages
in 10 minutes and 12 seconds
......@@ -74,7 +74,8 @@ RUN curl -sS | php -- \
composer global require --optimize-autoloader \
"fxp/composer-asset-plugin:${VERSION_COMPOSER_ASSET_PLUGIN}" \
"hirak/prestissimo:${VERSION_PRESTISSIMO_PLUGIN}" && \
composer global dumpautoload --optimize
composer global dumpautoload --optimize && \
composer clear-cache
......@@ -96,7 +96,8 @@ RUN curl -sS | php -- \
composer global require --optimize-autoloader \
"fxp/composer-asset-plugin:${VERSION_COMPOSER_ASSET_PLUGIN}" \
"hirak/prestissimo:${VERSION_PRESTISSIMO_PLUGIN}" && \
composer global dumpautoload --optimize
composer global dumpautoload --optimize && \
composer clear-cache
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